Green Valley Club

12 Step Recovery in Las Vegas



… we ask God to direct our thinking, especially asking that it be divorced from self-pity, dishonest or self-seeking motives.
Alcoholics Anonymous, Page 86

When said sincerely, this prayer teaches me to be truly unselfish and humble, for even in doing good deeds I often used to seek approval and glory for myself. By examining my motives in all that I do, I can be of service to God and others, helping them do what they want to do. When I put God in charge of my thinking, much needless worry is eliminated and I believe He guides me throughout the day. When I eliminate thoughts of self-pity, dishonesty and self-centeredness as soon as they enter my mind, I find peace with God, my neighbor and myself.

Daily Reflections reprinted with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.


GVG Location:
1481 W. Warm Springs Road
Saturday Meetings All Meetings 
7:00 amSunrise Group
10:00 amIllustrious Men's Stag
12:00 pmNooners
5:30 pmBeer Thirty
7:00 pmGreen Valley Saturday Night
8:30 pmPrinciples Before Personalities